
Sim City 4 Unter Windows 7

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Windows 7 Sim Metropolis 4 Palatial Edtion and Windows seven

  • Thread starter mas5707
  • Start date
  • #ane

I was wondering if there's anyway I could fix my problem. Right after I successfully install Sim City, the autorun loads upwards the game and I take a boom playing information technology. When I try to opem up the game to play everytime there subsequently, zippo happens. When I insert the play disk, my computer recognizes information technology and 'thinks' for nigh xxx seconds, and nothing happens afterwards that. When I open up up My Estimator and double click on the icon, absolutely zip happens. I don't want to have to uninstall and reinstall information technology everytime I want to play it. Is there any settings I demand to alter or is Sim Metropolis fifty-fifty comparable with Windows 7. Any suggestions?

  • #two

I should probably say that Windows 7 is 64 scrap.

  • #3

Unfortunately, SimCity4 (and SimCity 4 Palatial) is not "fully" compatible with Windows vii. The errors you lot experience when attempting to run the game post-obit installation are indicative of OS/game compatibility issues. Unfortunately running the game in "WinXP SP3 compatibility mode" volition not yield whatever improve results. This applies to both Windows 7 x86 and x64 versions of all releases.

In that location is quite a substantially extensive give-and-take on the compatibility event at the forums of Maxis (game programmer).

One reason why I kept WinXP on my laptop despite my employer'due south want to upgrade my system to Win7 ... I similar to have a go at the Sims while waiting for planes when flying around on business. :D

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  • #iv

According to the windows compatibility center, Sim City is compatible with Windows 7.

  • #5

Understood, only in reality SC4 really isn't "fully uniform".

The status of the game was set past Microsoft every bit "incompatible" throughout the Beta and RC period of Win 7 development and even until quite recently (before the official release this past October). The compatibility alter on the Microsoft site was a rather recent change (occurred between belatedly Sept and mid October). What's inverse in the OS? Nothing really. The same version of the Os that went on sale October 22 was already available to MSDN subscribers since tardily August. So it's rather foreign that Microsoft would change the compatibility while zippo's changed in the OS itself.

I've had the game for a long fourth dimension and really savour information technology playing on XP. Tried the game on diverse versions of Windows vii and have notwithstanding to enjoy a positive experience playing SC4... Tried so many possible methods; software configurations - game installation (plug-in/add-in incompatibility perhaps?), Bone tweaking - administrator manner, compatibility way, different OS versions (x86 v x64; Pro v. Ult); unlike hardware configurations ... Even so become choppy play, crashes, game hanging, rebooting my system ... Weird.

Oddly plenty, some folks out there experience no bug, yet the playing feel for the greater bulk remains rather an elusive striking-or-miss proffer (generally miss) and they debate with game crashes, graphics glitches, slowdowns, consummate lack of responsiveness and other problems.

Not pleasant. :(

Been searching loftier and low for a solution to the diverse problems encountered when playing this game, but haven't found annihilation concrete yet.... unfortunately.

  • #six

I heard by setting the game settings to run like Windows XP helps for some games. How would I go about doing this? Does this settings alter apply for everything else, or just the game?

  • #7

I heard by setting the game settings to run like Windows XP helps for some games. How would I get well-nigh doing this? Does this settings modify employ for everything else, or merely the game?

You don't really need VM (virtual machine) to run the game (that's a bit overkill)

You tin can try running the game in Windows XP compatibility manner using the following method:
- open windows explorer (either pinned to the taskbar or offset/all programs/accessories/windows explorer)
- navigate to the location where you have SimCity installed, open the directory
- right-click the SimCity executable
- select properties
- select "compatibility" tab
- check the box "Run this plan in compatibility style for: "
- select Windows XP SP3 (or SP2) from the drop-down list
- on the same tab further down, bank check box (select option) "disable visual themes" (this disables aero which may conflict with certain software and/or games)
- on the same tab at the bottom, check the box "Run this programme as an administrator"
- hit "Use" & run the game

This method will let you to execute the program (SimCity) in Windows XP compatibility mode.
Past applying these settings to the SimCity executable, only that program volition run in XP compatibility mode and the residue of your installed programs, indeed Windows 7 itself, volition remain unaffected by the change.

Keep in mind there are no guarantees that the game will perform like information technology should though. Like I mentioned, I've tried this and numerous other methods to run the game but and so far non much luck getting to run stable. Rather foreign.

Hope this helps.

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  • #8

May have a solution

Hi, I also had several issues with Sim City 4 and in item blitz hour.
I could install sim city four and play (although information technology did quit if i over clicked) adn blitz hour would freeze the calculator forcing a reset.
I call back i accept finally plant a solution.
1st install simcity 4 and run the program.
if you experience weird graphics with such equally flickering, in one case on the region screen go to the graphics options, set the graphics to total/best and tick everything. set the resolution to 1280x1024. It will prompt that changes wont take effect until side by side time you lot get-go up. So leave out and beginning up. if all is practiced and no flickering etc. leave out of Sim Urban center 4.
Side by side install rush hour. The game will and so run and yous shouldn't experience problems.
If you lot still have problems previous to blitz hour installation, right click on the desktop icon and click compatibility. Disable visual themes and disable display scaling on high dpi settings and try to run again.
This is the fix that worked for me

  • #ix

I have the same trouble. It sucks considering I didn't search upwardly on it before I bought it. I knew it was an old game, only would never take thought that it wouldn't work. But what is even worse is that I got the blue screen of decease twice playing the game. I don't know why. Is it still win7 or maybe my graphics card?

I accept the graphics assail high, highest resolution. Installed sc4 disc 1 and while installing information technology it said delight insert disc 2 (probably the rush 60 minutes disc). I didn't get whatsoever options where I could look with installing blitz hour similar the mail to a higher place this, so can anyone help me? Is there annihilation I could do? No one posted that the solution post helped them, so the problems still out there for not simply me? lol. I hope so. Is in that location annihilation I could do with windows settings (done compatibility mode), or contact windows, or something at all??

Capeesh any help! :)

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  • #10

At that place are 2 discs with SimCity 4 unless you lot got the dvd version. Rush Hour has only one disc.
When installing SimCity four, if it asks yous for disc 2, it does mean it needs disc two for simcity non blitz hour.
If you lot downloaded this game, effort finding simcity iv disc ii from where you downloaded from.
You need to install SimCity iv completely (ie both discs) before you tin install Blitz Hour.

  • #eleven

Simcity 4 has ii discs (well my version has)
Yous need to properly install simcity 4 earlier you can install rush hour.
If you downloaded this from a torrent, search for Simcity iv CD 2.

  • #12

I have a legal version but bought it yesterday. I installed both cd's merely information technology never came up with a choice to not intall rush hr. And it never said "installing blitz 60 minutes". It just installed the whole game. I wish anybody with win vii was experiencing the same problem, cause then EA would probably exercise something about it. New patch or something. I'm going to download windows xp fashion. maybe that would help? :'(

  • #13

It'southward ironic that I should hear that Sim City 4 is not "fully" compatible with Windows seven. I just thought I would add that Sim Urban center 4 Deluxe Edition is the ONLY game I accept been able to run on Windows 7 without whatsoever kind of bug. I have non been able to go on any other game running for very long without it crashing, despite the fact that they are supposedly fully compatible with Windows 7. But Sim City four? No issues at all.

  • #xiv

I believe that if the graphics options and effects are set up too high the game will not load once again. This is not as compatible since settings equivalent to cards and OSes several generations older are non possible. Resolution shouldn't thing much for real-fourth dimension strategy. At least edifice draw speed needs to be lower. With care, the experience seems the same nevertheless.

  • #fifteen

Had this problem that when i started the game, it started simply just went dorsum to the desktop, pushed the game window, went in, but went dorsum to the desktop after 1 sec.

My solution for that was to put -w in the shortcut. To do that, just make an shortcut on desktop, correct click, properties, and click on shortcut tab, in that location you should run into something called target: "C:\Plan Files (x86)\Maxis\SimCity iv Deluxe\Apps\SimCity 4.exe". You should put -w behind that, like this "C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxis\SimCity 4 Deluxe\Apps\SimCity 4.exe" -due west push apply, then ok. then run the game. I also inverse Compatibility to run this program in compatibility style for win xp sp3, and disable visual themes.

The -w means that the game volition run in window manner.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxis\SimCity 4 Palatial\Apps\SimCity 4.exe" depends on wich harddrive u installed it on.

  • #sixteen

I wonder if those 3 mods are needed, and for what, such as monitor resolution. I just realized that SimCity iv Palatial may exist non-standard in having started from Disk 2 before. I need to click the start menu icon instead of the run.exe when the disk is inserted. Visually it is fine as is for me, but information technology might be better with compatibility?

  • #17

as far equally i tin remember, it has always started from disc ii. If the game runs fine, there is no demand to do annihilation rly. But on the other hand, i belive its safer to run in windows xp mode than not run compatibility at all. Since the game is kinda old. Merely i can run the game without compatibility set to xp, and i dont demand to disable visual themes either. But matter i need to practise to run the game, is to strength the game to run in window mode.

  • #eighteen

It appears a better option is to utilize software rendering (equivalent to Virtual PC), provided that the CPU is 2.4 GHz or higher. That is with details and texture at high and visual effects and sims at medium. At that place is some uncertainty about the system restore performance, which was peachy in Vista. This is probably due to hardware changes at restore points. It is best to close down and restart, rather than use the on-board keyboard, after swapping keyboards or changing USB slots. Even an former MS Precision Pro game controller does not suffer such ambivalence in the host. Mayhap y'all sacrifice panning for more than sims or furnishings.

  • #19

I found that the solution to this problem is the same equally for other older games which won't work properly under Windows vii such as Main of Orion 2. If you disable Explorer before playing the game, it runs without issue; or at to the lowest degree I haven't had any bug with it thus far. Create a batch file (name it whatever you desire, SimCity4.bat, etc just so long as you make sure to save it as a bat file, not txt or anything else) with the following lines

taskkill /F /IM Explorer.exe
Showtime explorer.exe

Place this batch file in the same directory as SimCity4.exe, (Note, you must rename Sim Metropolis four.exe then that information technology does non contain any space ie SimCity4.exe) and edit the icon on the desktop so that the target points to this bat file instead of the game exe file. When you cease playing all you demand to exercise is hit the space bar to get-go upwardly Explorer again. I use this same batch file to run Age of Empires 2 Gilded, MOO 2, and Pharaoh Gilded. I have never had whatsoever issues with them since doing this. Before I started using this bat file, none of those games would piece of work under Windows seven either. The problem is tied to Aero and it's inability to properly handle colours resulting in a variety of graphical glitches and crashes. Killing Explorer before starting the game resolves these bug.

Well, I come across you lot can't delete a mail. Condone what I said in a higher place. It does work for the games I listed, and I thought information technology was working without whatsoever problems with Sim City four, but I only found an issue. While it prevents the video glitches and crashing, it also prevents the windmills from appearing correctly. They however work, but they only appear as white circles on the ground. I apologize for wasting anybody's time with this lapse on my part. I have never earlier run into a state of affairs where this gear up did not work.

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  • #twenty

There are 2 discs with SimCity four unless yous got the dvd version. Rush Hour has only one disc.
When installing SimCity 4, if it asks you for disc 2, it does hateful it needs disc 2 for simcity non rush hour.
If you lot downloaded this game, attempt finding simcity 4 disc ii from where you downloaded from.
You need to install SimCity 4 completely (ie both discs) before you can install Rush Hour.

No, this is only truthful for the orginal game, SimCity four Deluxe Edition comes with Blitz Hour arranged together on the original game ( still two discs )

So installing the Deluxe edition you take no option to install just SimCity 4 and then "upgrade" to Rush Hour, its all i shot during the 2 disc install, you go both products in Deluxe, and so what you lot posted does not help the people, myself included, to attempt to fix this trouble in Windows seven 32/64, it but does not work crusade rush hour is installed correct from the get get.


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