
Xbox Wireless Adapter For Windows 10

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Hey N1N7EN,

Thanks for your mail, have you attempted to update your controller? Use this article for steps to update: How to update your Xbox One Controller on Windows 10 Besides, if you take not already, endeavor checking for updates on your Windows 10 PC.

Let us know how this goes, thanks once more.

Best Regards,
Microsoft Agent
Xbox Forum Moderator
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Hello XBF Ezra M,

Thank you for the reply. Yes, I have updated the controller. As I mentioned above, it works merely fine on my wife's PC and my Xbox I X. It appears to be an issue with my PC, but I can't narrow it down or find anyone else with the verbal same problem.

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Hello N1N7EN!

Just a proposition have you tried connecting to your PC without the adapter? Check out this support article: Connect and troubleshoot Bluetooth on your Xbox One Wireless Controller

Promise this helps

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Hullo XBF George L,

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, my PC does not have a split up Bluetooth adapter. That is the reason I invested in the official adapter from Microsoft to enable me to employ the Xbox One controller on my PC. I wish I did have a Bluetooth adapter to test with. If you meant using the controller via USB string, then yes, the controller works just fine. I just want to use the adapter I purchased specifically to play wireless.

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How-do-you-do N1N7EN,

Thank you for reaching out and keeping us updated! I do believe George meant to remove the Bluetooth adapter and try information technology with the cablevision instead. I also sympathise that the troubleshooting steps taken have proved that the controller is non having any issues except when trying to connect to your PC with the adapter but works fine on your wife'due south PC.

It seems like information technology might exist your PC that is having an issue directly. I would recommend performing a make clean boot, this helps eliminate software conflicts that occur when you install a plan or an update or when you run a program in Windows 10. Here is the link on how to perform a clean .

Also, attempt this method: Run the System File Checker tool (SFC.exe) . System File Checker is a utility in Windows that allows users to scan for corruptions in Windows system files and restore corrupted files. Information technology will scan your system files and to repair missing or corrupted system files in Windows.

I hope this helps!

Xbox Forums Support

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If you meant using the controller via USB cord, so yes, the controller works just fine. I simply want to employ the adapter I purchased specifically to play wireless.

So you lot say the controller works fine when connected via USB cord?

Tin y'all open up up the device manager (press Windowskey + Break/Brk to bring up the organisation information window, then click on the device manager link on the left). And then plug in the Wireless receiver. Does the wireless reciever prove up in the device manager?

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Hi N1N7EN,

Thanks for reaching out and keeping united states updated! I do believe George meant to remove the Bluetooth adapter and try information technology with the cablevision instead. I also empathise that the troubleshooting steps taken accept proved that the controller is not having any problems except when trying to connect to your PC with the adapter only works fine on your married woman's PC.

It seems like it might exist your PC that is having an issue direct. I would recommend performing a make clean boot, this helps eliminate software conflicts that occur when you install a program or an update or when you run a program in Windows 10. Here is the link on how to perform a clean .

Also, effort this method: Run the Arrangement File Checker tool (SFC.exe) . System File Checker is a utility in Windows that allows users to browse for corruptions in Windows organization files and restore corrupted files. It will scan your system files and to repair missing or corrupted organisation files in Windows.

I hope this helps!

Hello XBF Jasmine Z,

I will try your suggestions when I get home today. I also believe information technology may be a driver conflict as this started shortly after I installed the Logitech Utility.

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If you meant using the controller via USB cord, then yep, the controller works merely fine. I only want to utilize the adapter I purchased specifically to play wireless.

So y'all say the controller works fine when connected via USB cord?

Can yous open up up the device manager (press Windowskey + Break/Brk to bring up the system information window, and then click on the device manager link on the left). And then plug in the Wireless receiver. Does the wireless reciever show up in the device manager?

Hi Arminator,

Yes, the wireless adapter does show in device manager as working and fully updated. I accept uninstalled and reinstalled the wireless adapter multiple times to no avail. I call up I may exist having a driver conflict on my PC and will try to isolate when I get domicile today. Thanks for your help!

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Howdy N1N7EN,

Thank you for reaching out and keeping us updated! I exercise believe George meant to remove the Bluetooth adapter and endeavor it with the cablevision instead. I as well understand that the troubleshooting steps taken accept proved that the controller is not having whatsoever issues except when trying to connect to your PC with the adapter but works fine on your married woman'south PC.

Information technology seems like it might exist your PC that is having an consequence directly. I would recommend performing a clean boot, this helps eliminate software conflicts that occur when y'all install a program or an update or when you run a program in Windows 10. Here is the link on how to perform a make clean .

Also, try this method: Run the Organization File Checker tool (SFC.exe) . System File Checker is a utility in Windows that allows users to scan for corruptions in Windows system files and restore corrupted files. It will scan your organisation files and to repair missing or corrupted system files in Windows.

I hope this helps!

Hi XBF Jasmine Z,

I will endeavour your suggestions when I go dwelling house today. I also believe information technology may exist a commuter conflict as this started before long after I installed the Logitech Utility.

Hello XBF Jasmine Z,

I performed the System File Checker and I had no corrupted files. I then tried the make clean boot and could still non get the adapter to sync with my controller. I'm coming to the end of my rope with this issue. It looks like I may be better off ownership a split Bluetooth adapter now as I can't go the official i to work with my PC anymore.

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Pode ser seu pc entrar conflito tente noutro pc sw fizer mesmo contate suporte podem ajudar melhor....

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